Thoughts on Creativity

Sometimes the key to accessing our creativity is in the acceptance of where we are at the moment. Creativity can feel lost, in a shadow place, just out of reach. It can feel like a frozen stream, bubbling beneath the surface, unable to break through to the light of day. Our angels live in the light and the shadows, always there to walk with us, to guide us to our purpose. Our angels teach us that the cycles of the world are no different from the cycles of our lives. Know that our shadow sides (parts of ourselves that we keep small, or hidden from the world) are an important part of us and contain many lessons to bring spiritual growth. You simply cannot appreciate the light without the dark. It is the same with our creativity. It may be a small stream now, but know that it can evolve into a rushing, flowing river, that can feel effortlessly joyful, guiding you to the fulfillment of your dreams.